About us

About US

Welcome to OTA Junk Removal – Your Trusted Partner in Junk Removal!

At OTA Junk Removal, we’re more than just a junk removal service. We’re your partners in creating cleaner, clutter-free spaces and contributing to a greener, more sustainable future. With a passion for cleanliness and a commitment to responsible disposal, we have been serving Washington DC for 20 years, making us the go-to choice for all your junk removal needs.



Our Story

OTA junk removal was founded on the principles of honesty, reliability, and environmental consciousness. Our journey began when our founder, recognized the need for a professional and eco-friendly solution to tackle the growing problem of clutter and waste in our community. With a strong vision, Our established OTA junk removal with a single truck and a dedicated team.

Our Mission

Our mission is simple: to provide top-notch junk removal services while minimizing our impact on the environment. We're on a mission to reduce landfill waste and promote recycling and donation of reusable items. By choosing OTA junk removal, you're not just cleaning your space; you're also helping to create a more sustainable future. We help our clients reclaim their spaces by removing unwanted items.

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